The Assignment
Every touchpoint counts, so after I wrote a blog post about Photographer and Director, Tim Tadder’s imagery of testing color gels, he asked for some short copy for a brochure he was creating to send to select agencies and clients. I wrote the copy that accompanied his color gel work.
The Copy
In the vein of making images rather than taking them, I recently embarked on a personal project, a test of color gels. This color-on-color treatment was an exploration of indirect light on subjects. The glowing effect allowed for accentuating form and shape while showing distortion. We were able to call attention to clean lines, to display vibrant colors and to achieve a subtle glow. I’m pleased with the experiment as it tested a theory, measured boundaries while also providing both haunting, and graphic images. The end-goal of this project was to create images that elicit a response. I hope they have.